Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Friday, November 26, 2010

When Arav met his Periappa, he was absolutely excited. Not just to meet him but because he knew he's going to get a bottle of Gummy Bears too. He downed three gummies even before anyone knew what was happening. It all happened in a matter of a few minutes!

Another new gadget caught his eye ,this time around, Periappa had brought with him his iPad. Since he had two young children himself, the iPad was loaded with interactive games and other software that would guarantee child's play all day! I have not seen a more colourful, interactive and child friendly interface. My brother in law's youngest child is two and a half and he is a pro in using the drag, drop,sliding screens, choosing which games he wants to play. Arav was totally occupied with the iPad for quite sometime, until we distracted him with a play date.



1 comment:

Yasmin said...

Rupa,apple products rocks! Same here with Safia..she finds her way so easily while using Apple products and ends up teaching the elders ;)thts a great gift!